Oh facebook, how I loathe thee. You're like a bad lover that I just can't shake. You bring me so much joy and so much pain. I know that you're no good, but I keep coming back. Case-in-point: I discover things about people that make me angry. Even though I kinda already knew they weren't so great. Or a sneaky, gossipy snake... I had a very messy falling out with a friend just about a year ago. (Oh surprise! Yup, another one.) And I kindly asked all of my friends and family to remove her from facebook since she was nothing but a drama queen. I blocked her. So when I recently reset my facebook settings and decided not to worry about blocking the people who were blocked, I was surprised to see that a member of my family hadn't removed this person and in fact, communicates with her. However, I'm not surprised.
Example number two: A friend from high school passed away on Sunday morning. I found out via face book yesterday. Not the best way to find out but no big deal as I haven't seen or spoken to most of that crew in over 4 years. What did and does bother me is that when scanning the recent photos that friends had posted, I came across a photo posted on a "Life Celebration of Danny Schmaltz" page. I thought to myself, "Excellent! I have a funny picture that I found of Danny, Brad and myself that I will post on the page." You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that it wasn't a page but and EVENT; taking place this Saturday in honour of Danny. The picture for the event was familiar as it is from my Super Sweet 26th Birthday album, but I was not invited to this event. Every single other fucking person that we went to high school with was invited BUT ME. I cannot believe it was an oversight since the picture was taken from my album. The reason that Danny and I haven't spoken is because he was best friends with my ex and Brad and I didn't have the best break up. I understand that no one wanted to maintain contact with me as their allegiance was to Brad. But Danny and I were good friends for a number of years and his death affected me. And my feelings are hurt that I wasn't included in a celebration of his life.
I don't feel like writing anymore and sometimes wonder why I even bother.
Rest In Peace Danny. I'll miss you xoxo
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